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  • Writer's pictureTessa Van Niekerk

NaNoWriMo 2019

( Cover image by Arshad Sutar from Pexels )

In 1999, NaNoWriMo began as a challenge to writers to write (a part of) a novel of 50 000 words during the month of November. Now, 20 years later, there are thousands of writers from all over the world who participate in this writing challenge. Finishing your novel gives you bragging rights, but there are also publishing contracts up for grabs, and once those novels are done and dusted, many are published as e-books, generating some cash for their creators.

NaNoWriMo is a non-profit organisation who offer workshops to young, aspiring writers all year round, and also sells goodies to support those projects.

2019 will be my 5th year of entering this challenge. I've started with a bang before, only to end in a soggy fizzle halfway through the month. However, I have worked out that if I want to monetize this blog properly, I shall need to generate at least US$30,00 per month and by writing and selling a cool book or two, I might be able to do exactly that.

Ya, sure, there are many would-be authors out there who want to strike it really, really lucky and become the next J.K. Rowling or Stephen King, but remember that J.K. Rowling was rejected many times before Harry Potter became famous and Stephen King actually chucked his first attempt in the trash! So if I start small, I should be OK. No high expectations, but - by the same token - no selling myself short! You never know...


If I seem to have dropped off the face of the earth for the next month, know that it is not because I have given up on this blog. It may be simply because I have stuck myself behind a keyboard, furiously typing up the Next Greatest Novel Ever Written. And earning the Dollar a Day in recurring income that will hopefully launch this blog into notoriety (hehe) and me out of a J.O.B.

Have a GREAT NaNoWriMo to all my fellow Wrimo's out there! And if you see me here, please ask me what my word count for the day is. I can use a bit of acCOUNTabilty...

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