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  • Writer's pictureTessa Van Niekerk

The Process of Setting my Annual Goals

Updated: Oct 11, 2019

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Unlike most people, I don't set goals from January 1st, but rather use my birthdays. That is MY "new year". I also try not to simply set goals for the sake of setting them, but instead look at what I want to achieve in the next 10 years, break it down into smaller pieces and set my "one year" goals from there. After all, isn't that how one eats an elephant?

There are 8 goal setting fields in which I work. They are: spiritual, relationships, health, career, finances, mental, social and leisure. The fact that leisure is last probably says a lot. Maybe it should become more important this year.

Spiritual: my relationship with God. It means my prayer time, my devotion and even the way I represent Him here on earth.

Relationships: the way I interact with family and close friends (the family I choose for myself).

Health: self-explanatory. It's how I care for my body and mind. This year, it's going to be a big part of my goals.

Career: the things I do to earn money.

Finances: how I work with the money I have earned.

Mental: what I do to stimulate my brain. Things to learn.

Social: charitable work I get involved in. Involvement in my community.

Leisure: what I do to relax and de-stress. Also needs some serious work - I tend to neglect this aspect of my life.

Every year, I start a journal. It usually doesn't last long before I run out of steam, but I find that a journal guide helps a lot. The one that I prefer is this one by Rossi Fox. It takes you through a year of writing prompts, photo challenges and goal setting. It also forces you to take stock of who you are and where you are heading. And you can be as plain or creative as you want to be. A journal is personal.

What I love about my journal guide is that it also forces me to set some goals at the beginning of the year, and to take a look back at the year to see how far I have come.

The right goals are never easy. Fortunately, I was blessed with a big helping of tenacity when the angels gave out traits. That and stubbornness usually helps me reach whatever I need to reach, despite myself and what life tends to throw at one as soon as one sets goals.

I am not sure what specific goals I shall be setting for this coming year, yet, as a lot depends on how the next three weeks work out. I shall be seeing the doctor again tomorrow to discuss a range of blood test results, one of which was to measure cortisol levels in my blood. That discussion will also inform many of my other decisions, as I suspect my lifestyle will have to change radically to accommodate any and all health issues. Existing ones as well as potential ones.

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